Each of us is happy when our package is at the door and we can finally unpack it! It almost feels like Christmas - finally unwrapping a "present" again, except that you ordered the goods yourself.
Unfortunately, what many people don't know is how the package got to the door in the first place. Many shipping service providers (including large ones) have so-called “subcontractors” who work on behalf of the actual company but are not employed there. These subcontractors employ people who often work far too long and for far too little money. They are shamelessly exploited. It is not uncommon for the people who work for such subcontractors to be happy to have work at all. The post office, on the other hand, has many of its own employees who are employed directly by the post office.
In addition, the Swiss Post itself attaches great importance to sustainability and is trying to become increasingly climate-friendly. It is also a given at the post office that the packages arrive on time and reliably.